Hungarian Parliament Building
The building of the Hungarian Parliament is one of the most beautiful and the most important sights of Budapest. It is situated on the picturesque banks of the Danube, in the area of Lajos Kossuth.
Construction of this building began in 1873 and was intended to bring together the two parts of the ...
Sándor Palace, Budapest
The Sándor Palace is part of the Buda Castle complex. It was built at the end of the 19th century by the architect named Mihály Pollack. For a long time, the palace was owned by Count Vincent Sándor. Leaders of Hungary resided here later, 16 prime ministers lived and worked here from 1919 till 1941 ...
Zichy Palace, Budapest
Fő tér 1, Budapest, Hungary
Zichy Castle (Zichy-kastély) is located in the oldest part of Budapest – Óbuda. The Baroque building was commissioned by Count Miklós Zichy. The design of the castle was created by the famous architect named Jäger János Henrik. Although the whole construction was finished 1757, the main building ...
Vigadó Concert Hall, Budapest
Vigadó tér 2, 1051 Budapest, Hungary
Gresham Palace, Budapest
Széchenyi tér 5–6, Budapest, Hungary
Peterffy Palace, Budapest
Pesti Barnabás utca 2, Budapest, Hungary
Wenckheim Palace
Szabó Ervin téren, Budapest, Hungary
Boscolo Budapest Hotel
Erzsébet körút 9–11, Budapest, Hungary
Schloss Nagytétény
Kastélypark u. 9. – 11, Budapest, Hungary
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