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St. Stephen's Basilica

St. Stephen's Basilica - the temple of the Roman Catholic Church, erected in honor of the first governor of Hungarian King Stephen. It is the largest and most significant church building of the country. Here are kept the sacred relics - the power of the right hand, belonging to the first King of Hungary. 

Construction of the temple began in 1851 and lasted almost 50 years. In 1868, the dome collapsed and the construction work had to start again. Led the specified process known architect Miklós Ybl. Lighting was held at the Basilica of only 1905.

The temple, made ​​in the neoclassical style, is able to accommodate as many as 8,500 members. Its height of the dome, which is visible from anywhere in the city, up to 96 meters. The largest bell in Hungary is in the right tower of the temple and weighs more than nine tons.

You can get to the Basilica of the subway, should go to the station Deák F. Tér.

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